" The Dhamma or Law of World Peace " - MyanmarNationalPost


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" The Dhamma or Law of World Peace "


" The Dhamma or Law of World Peace "

M. E. 1362 - On the 11th day of the full moon, (C. E. 28, 8, 2000) A peace speech delivered at the Millennium World Peace Summit by world religious leaders held at the United Nations General Assembly Hall in New York, United States of America.

At the world peace summit of religious leaders, which is now being held, it is known that there will be discussions and solutions to find ways to avoid destructive activities from conflicts and violence for the people of the world. 

The ways to end violence and conflicts and avoid the danger of war are not to be found hard, but to use love, care, rejoice and equanimity. It is to put into practice these four virtues of Brahmasariya, which are in Pali called Metta, Karuna, Mudita and Upekha. Almost all the people of the world know this method.  If they practice what they know, they will be safe from having to face and experience the unfortunate events that every human being does not want.

The answer to the problem is easy and everyone knows it. However, they are having trouble because they cannot follow it. Love means loving all creatures equally, and willingly serving their interests. Caring means showing mercy to those who are inferior and weak, and being kind.  Mudita means not being happy or jealous when looking at those who are more powerful than oneself and not being jealous. Equanimity means allowing the other party to make their own decisions, not forcing one's own decisions on others.

The powerful should practice compassion and equanimity, and the weak should practice rejoice.  Love is to be practiced by all human beings.  If you all thoroughly understand and adopt these four precepts of Brahman, your physical and verbal transgressions will cease, and you will enjoy the taste of universal peace. 

I would like to state that this practice of this Four Noble Precepts is the surest path to world peace and that the person who keeps this law will be protected by the law.

May all human beings obey the law.

May all beings prosper.

(မကွေးဆရာတော်ကြီး ဘဒ္ဒန္တကုမာရ ၏ ငြိမ်းချမ်းရေး သြဝါဒ အား ဦးထိန်လင်း မှ ဘာသာပြန်ဆို ပူဇော်ထားခြင်း ဖြစ်ပါသည်။)

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